Lots of changes are happening as we speak. For starters my belly decided to "pop out" in grand style. Yes, it's big and on its way to huge. I'm feeling much better on the emotional realm and my energy is coming back slowly. I still struggle with nausea at the end of the day and some food aversions, mostly to sugary stuff. I've done a few gender prediction tests (3 to be specific), all with different results. The Chinese GPT says girl, another said boy, and the third said inconclusive. I even did the baking soda test (caution: talk of bodily fluids to follow). Yes, I urinated in a cup with baking soda. This is all ridiculous I know. In just a few weeks I will know for sure but there is excitement in the guessing game.
On a different note, I decided to run the Nike's Women 1/2 marathon, just for fun and to get me some motivation to work out. I've read a lot about training while pregnant and was comforted knowing that not only is it perfectly safe, but it's actually good for both mom and baby. So, I'm determined to keep the training going as long as there is no pain to be felt or blood to be seen. So far I've increased my weekly runs to 6 miles 3x a week plus a long weekend run. I'm up to 9 miles and hope to get to 13 by early October. I've been feeling good so far and hope to keep up the momentum.
As in my last pregnancy, I'm not worrying about weight gain but I am also not gorging in junk or pints of ice cream. I want to be able to enjoy my pregnancy and have an "easy" delivery, and most importantly a healthy baby. I know that I'm going to get big, I'm not one of those women who are all belly. Part of me wishes I was but I wouldn't trade that desire for the perfectly normal (and comfortable) pregnancy I had and intend to have again. I appreciate your continued prayers and support.