I decided to write some entries about my pregnancy hoping to document all the changes occurring in my life and my body. I found out I was pregnant when I was about four weeks along. Correction, I know exactly the day I conceived but I was doubtful, as most women are. I'm about 13 weeks along and already enjoying the fruits of this state. It's rather strange how life just forms inside a woman, how her body changes to adapt to this new growing being, and how suddenly everything around her seems to be concerned with this new creation. Its no wonder that a mother bonds with her child almost immediately.
How I'm feeling
Honestly, this is the first day in many weeks when I don't feel nauseous, fatigued and hormonal. I woke up with a surge of energy that gives me hope for the coming months. My blood pressure is still very low ~ 80/50 but I've learned a few tricks to help me with this condition (salt, rest, exercise, etc.). I'm excited, nervous, and hopeful all at the same time. Transitions are always challenging but I'm preparing myself reading lots, talking to other moms, and most of all, praying.
What I'm eating
Despite the nagging nausea that has haunted me for the last 8+ weeks, I still have a good appetite. I eat lots of salads with all the fixings and I'm eating a lot more protein than before. I crave sour, salty, and spicy things. I have an aversion for most sweets, including GUM! I can't stand the smell of it (Note: I have been known to chew a pack of gum a day :( ) Watermelon was the first food I scratched off my list and have not been able to introduce it back (Note: in my last pregnancy I ate about 1/4 watermelon every day!). I'm having trouble getting enough calcium though. I should be getting 4 servings a day and I'm barely getting one. Everything else I'm doing exactly right.
How I stay active
Exercise is all that keeps me feeling well. It raises my blood pressure enough to get me feeling better the rest of the day. Up until today I had struggled with most activities, but I still pushed myself knowing I would end up feeling better. In short, I'm weight lifting 2x a week, yoga/pilates 1x a week, Zumba 1x a week, and I run 3x a week ~ 4 to 6mi at a time. Not too bad for a pregnant mama. I'm hoping to keep up the routine, maybe increase the frequency of yoga as my due date nears because it's so great for hip-opening movements.
How I'm sleeping
Pretty awful if I must say so. I was spoiled with Isaac I slept like a queen every single night through due date. With this pregnancy I have been getting a lot of leg cramps, muscle discomfort, and insomnia. To top it off we've been having difficulty with Isaac's sleep patterns so if I'm able to fall asleep, he is sure to wake me up. I hope this gets better now that I'm in my second trimester because I'll need all the rest I can get. Thankfully I am able to catch naps everyday for about an hour (Lucky!)
What else...
Gender: ?
Names: We have a couple for each and we are pretty firm
How daddy is doing: He's been up and down like myself but overall very excited
How big am I? I'm still wearing my clothes although my pants are a bit snug. Even with all the running I gained about 40 lbs with Isaac so I'm estimating it will be the same case this time.
What's my biggest fear at this time? I can't think of one specifically
What am I looking forward to most? Breastfeeding :) I loved it the last time around and I was blessed to have an oversupply so I donated some. It was an awesome bonding time for Isaac and I.