It's been over a month since my last pregnancy post so I thought I would write an update.
What is happening in the belly?
Lots of movement this week with a few soccer style kicks. I've also had what I consider an excessive amount of braxton hicks the last couple of days (~1 every 30 minutes or so). I'm not sure what this means but just to be on the safe side I'm going to take it a little slower this week.
Aches and pains?
Other than a minor sciatica discomfort on my right leg I'm basically pain free thus far. After my long runs my hips get very tight but I'm typically back to normal within a day. I'm also able to sleep very comfortably now, no more restless legs thank God!
Exercise keeps me pain free
As previously announced I ran the Nike's Womens 1/2 marathon last Sunday and I did better than expected. I wasn't running for time but I still kept under 2 hours and 20 minutes which took me by surprise because I took it especially slow to make sure I didn't burn out too early. It was such an amazing course that I completely lost track of time and distance. I took in the beauty of the scenery and relished every mile. By the end of the race I was so elated I wanted to keep running.
This week I scaled back my running from 26 miles to 18 miles and added a 12 mile bike ride. I'm still weight lifting 2x a week and doing yoga/pilates once a week. I'm hoping to add in some hikes to my exercise regime in the coming weeks. I find the pilates classes especially helpful with hip discomfort.
How big is the baby and how big am I?
The baby is about 20oz according to the doctor and measuring about 12 inches, the size of a spaguetti squash. It seems so small compared to how I look. The funny thing is that I really don't feel big. There are days when I forget that I'm pregnant, for the most part I'm still very agile and flexible, but then I look at my image in the mirror and I get a different story. My arms and legs are relatively small but my middle area is round baby! I'm estimating that my chest area alone is adding an extra 6lbs to my weight. And of course my ever growing belly is gaining more and more volume. In total I've gained 14lbs so far.
Other symptoms or unusual changes?
I've been feeling very impatient and somewhat short tempered. There are days when I remember being a teenager and feeling the same way. It must be the surge of hormones flowing through my body. I don't particularly like feeling this way since I've always been pretty mild tempered, even through my last pregnancy. I find that rest helps a lot so I've made my afternoon naps a mandatory coping mechanism.
I have recurring episodes of low blood pressure. This morning it was so bad I could barely stand in church. Half way through the mass I had to leave the choir area to sit down for a while. I felt faint and very short of breath. Neither rest nor food made me feel better. I noticed significant relief after I drank a diet cola which I don't typically like to do. I may instead drink a small cup of coffee next time I find myself feeling this way.
My aversion for sweets is almost non-existent. I've enjoyed a few treats in the last few weeks. I don't have any particular cravings but I find that my body requires extra carbohydrates. I still can't stand the smell of sugar-free gum. It turns my stomach just thinking about it. I have also developed an aversion for anything with corn syrup. In general I find that my body rejects most artificial ingredients. Nature working at its best I suppose.
What I'm looking forward to
The next couple months are just going to fly. I'm so looking forward to the holidays I can't even stand it. Now that I'm singing in the choir, church festivities take on a whole other level of importance and I'm so glad to be a part of it. I'm also looking forward to celebrating with family and friends. Our holiday plans are still up in the air but wherever we end up I know that it will be very special.
VACATION!!! Yes! We have booked our 10th anniversary celebration in Hawaii. I'm beyond excited and thankful for this amazing gift. For years we have talked about visiting Hawaii. I've had dreams of hiking amidst lush greenery and doing lots of sunrise runs. I'll be just happy to walk on volcanic soil and look my son's face as he discovers a new species or digs up a shell from the sand. How blessed I feel to have this privilege.
All for now :)