Avocados are in season, but you wouldn't know the difference because here in California they are available year round. Fortunately for us they originate in Central Mexico and the climate of the area allows for year round availability at a relatively low price.
Avocados were a staple in my family growing up. My mother used to add them to salads and soups, and even slice them as snacks sprinkled with chili, lime, and salt. And then of course there is the all famous guacamole which is forever present at Carne Asadas (Mexican BBQs), and just about any picnic or get together. I make a decent guacamole but not until recently have I really started eating and appreciating avocados.
About 75% of an avocado's calories come from fat, most of which is monounsaturated fat. On a 100g basis, avocados have 35% more potassium (485mg) than bananas (358mg). They are rich in B vitamins as well as vitamin E and vitamin K. Avocados have a high fiber content of 75% insoluble and 25% soluble fiber. High avocado intake was shown in one preliminary study to lower blood cholesterol levels. Specifically, after a seven-day diet rich in avocados, mild hypercholesterolemia patients showed a 17% decrease in total serum cholesterol levels. These subjects also showed a 22% decrease in both LDL (harmful cholesterol) and triglyceride levels and 11% increase in HDL (helpful cholesterol) levels. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avocado)
This week's recipe I pulled out of my sleeve. I had a few ingredients in my refrigerator that I wanted to use and I created a Lentil, Quinoa, and Swiss Chard salad with Avocado Dressing. Here is what you will need (remember to choose organic whenever possible):
1 large bunch of swiss chard, chopped
1/2 cup of cilantro chopped
4 stalks of green onion chopped
2 stalks of fresh garlic chopped
1/2 large red bell pepper chopped
1 cup cooked black lentils
1 cup cooked quinoa
Juice of 3 lemons
Juice of 1 orange
1TB cold pressed grapeseed oil
1tsp dry thyme
1tsp dry basil
3 cloves of garlic
salt and pepper
1 large ripe avocado
1 Mix together all salad ingredients in a large bowl
2. In a food processor or blender, mix together all salad dressing ingredients. Pulse until smooth. Pour over salad.
3. Mix well, refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight
4. Enjoy!