Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is this it?

Today I had the most uncomfortable run since becoming pregnant.  This baby is growing and putting extra pressure on my bladder and pelvis.  I pushed through five miles of run/walk intervals with more than a few stops to catch my breath. I refuse to say that this is my last run but I have been thinking about it all day long, which is why I'm writing about it.

As I was trying to take my mind off the discomfort I was feeling, I began to think of the last 36 weeks of my pregnancy and all that has happened in my life.  For starters, even at a conservative 18 miles a week I'm doing now (I did much more than that in the first 25 weeks of my pregnancy), I have run approximately 18 x 36 =  648 miles!  That's like a trip to L.A. and back of running.  Impressive when you think about it.  Let's not forget that I trained for and ran a half marathon at 25 weeks pregnant.  I feel pretty good about that as well. I have indeed been fortunate to run throughout my pregnancy and have enjoyed it a great deal.  It has kept me pain free and sane.

I'm a little nervous I must confess.   Change is always challenging for me.  I'm a creature of habit and I love my routine.  Come next Monday I'm going to want to hop on that treadmill and log in my usual 5 to 6 miles and I know that may not be possible anymore.  I have to be prepared for it.   I realize I'm almost to the end and soon our new baby will come to fill our lives with blessings and a lot more change.  I'm not sure if I'm ready for that either, but ready or not, I embrace the gift and I'm excited about it.  I have found myself anticipating those wee hours of the night nursing alone with baby in my arms, staring into his/her eyes and thinking that there is nowhere I'd rather be.  Those thoughts make every sacrifice worthwhile.  Plus I know that I'll be back to running a few weeks postpartum.   I have another marathon to train for :)

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