Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Debunking some pregnancy exercise myths

My mother would have a heart attack if I revealed to her exactly how much I exercised during this pregnancy.  Even though she is a very active mature woman, and always was even during her eight pregnancies, she, like many people from her generation believe that pregnancy is a time to lay low and do as little as possible.  These folks also believe in bed-rest post-delivery for 40 days (La Cuarentena).  While I don't judge them for their beliefs.  I found in my own experience that exercise was the best thing I could have done for myself and this child.

How exercise helped me:

Exercise helped keep my energy levels up, my anxiety down, and gave me a boost of confidence in my otherwise stressful pregnancy.  After being diagnosed with gestational diabetes exercising helped me achieve my blood glucose goals without having to succumb to insulin shots.  Having exercised during pregnancy has helped my recovery as well.

How exercise helped my baby:

Babies benefit from the extra oxygen circulating  during exercise which improves their cardiac functioning. It is a well known fact that babies of mothers who exercise tend to be calmer and overall enjoy better fitness themselves in years to come.  For Andrea, my exercise regime meant a drastic reduction in her chances of developing diabetes later in life.  Since my diabetes was controlled she was born of normal size which allowed for a normal vaginal delivery as opposed to a C-section.

I am 10 days post-partum and I've been out and about since I came back from the hospital.  Not surprisingly I have already lost my baby fat and feel physically amazing.  Granted I was on a strict gestational diabetes diet which kept me from gaining too much weight but I attribute my stamina and my core and muscle definition to my workout regime which included 3 days of running (5 to 6 miles), 1 day of hiking for at least 90 minutes, 2 weekly sessions of weight lifting and a weekly session of yoga/pilates.   I didn't shy away from abdominal work either. I didn't do any sit-ups past 30 weeks but I still worked my abdominal muscles all the way up to the last week of pregnancy. At 37 weeks pregnant I was still able to hold a plank for 3 full minutes!  My belly is still somewhat soft, which is to be expected after being blown up like a balloon for 9 months, but my core feels very strong which is a nice bonus for hauling around my 2 kiddos.  The doctor has given me the green light to start exercising again.  I will not rush into anything until my body feels ready for it but I am  itching to go out for a run.

Every pregnancy is different and you should definitely talk with your doctor about establishing the best exercise regime for you and your needs.  Nevertheless I would encourage you not to fear exercise but learn to embrace it.  Your body and your babe will thank you.

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