Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Random thoughts

I've exercised consistently since my senior year in high school. That Summer before starting school I found my passion for running and have never stopped. I have found refuge and wellness in exercise when going through the most difficult and unlikely times in my adult life: during both of my pregnancies, while completing my degree (didn't miss a day, regardless of my load), through chronic sinus infections, after a night of drinking too much wine, after a night of zero sleep with a colicky baby,  whenever I wake up to tired or too depressed to want to carry on. It's my way of life. I don't think about exercising, I do it. It is the only way for me.

I've been drinking too much coffee. I am easily irritable.

I am concerned about developing diabetes. I test my blood sugar daily and continue to find ways to keep it under control.

my perfectionist tendencies bring me much stress and depression.  I strive to prevent my children from developing such behavioral patterns.

When I was growing up my mother seldom smiled or laughed. I find myself doing  the same and I struggle to break this cycle.

Every year I look forward to the holidays. They come and go too fast and I'm typically disappointed. I need to reevaluate my expectations.

I've been reading more and browsing less.  It's a good change.

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