I'm documenting this for future reference because I'm stubborn and hard-headed at times, especially in regards to my health. In retrospect, I should have post-poned this race. But that is something I have a hard time with. I like to finish what I start, but finishing for the sake of finishing is not the best course of action always.
I spent last week physically recovering from my race. The first couple of days I had a hard time walking but by about day 3 I was able to do a three mile walk/run with the stroller. I mainly wanted to warm up my muscles to get a good stretch. But the truth is that I didn't have the stamina to run any more. I was winded, still somewhat dizzy and totally exhausted even from a slow jog. On Friday I decided to go for a longer run, 4 miles. I came home exhausted and all I could think of doing was sleep. I couldn't fathom the thought of having to care for my two children and answer to their many questions and demands when my head fell so heavy and my body so exhausted. I pulled through for the next few hours until quiet time and I lied down and took a nap. I felt my body grow heavy against the bed and I couldn't open my eyes even if I had wanted to. Isaac no longer naps so my subconscious was definitely alert at the sound of child coming out of his room, but I just wanted one more minute in bed. I so much wished for Dave to be home, for a relative or friend to be nearby and the comfort of calling them so I could just stay in bed. I have never been so exhausted. Wiped. Out.
I dragged myself out of bed and I sat on the sofa. Isaac kept circling around me, sensing something was off with mama. I asked him to keep the sound low and to close the blinds (I imagine this is what a migraine must feel like). I had a chill all over my body and I couldn't focus on anything. I remembered that I hadn't taken my sudafed that morning, or for the last 2 days. I got up and went to take it. Within an hour I was in functional mode. I called the doctor and made an appointment, I was able to be seen that afternoon. Confirmed sinus infection. How long has this been going on the doctor asked? 3, 4 weeks? I typically "ride" an infection and try lots of home care remedies before succumbing to antibiotics: Sinus irrigations, fluids, hot soups and teas, oregano oil, colloidal silver, all help, but sudafed ultimately relieves the congestion and gets me back and running. I just don't like the thought of taking it all the time. It messes with my electrolytes and alters heart rate, makes me susceptible to heat, AND it is a drug! I don't like drugs.
Well...here is the short of it. I have had a sinus infection for a few weeks. I was able to function with proper care but by race day I had been taking sudafed for a couple of weeks. I was functional but not healthy. Not for 26 miles of running in the heat when my electrolytes were out of balance. I became physically ill during my run, something that I had never experienced. The last half of my run was pure torture. I don't know how I finished. It is all a blurr. This is not the experience I was looking for. I am not complaining, I made this choice. This is just a reminder for me, for next time.
Are you a stubborn horse like myself? Share some of your tips. I could certainly use them.
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