I learned to ride a bike when I was five years old. My brother built one for me and probably taught me how to ride it as well. Family bike rides were a rite of passage and I was ever so proud to take my first. I remember vividly how my mom and dad rode in front and everyone else followed. I'm sure there weren't any helmets involved and we more than likely violated all traffic rules being a family of 9 (my younger sister hadn't been born yet). But the memory is forever burned in my mind.
Fast rack a few years, I'm ten years old riding all over town fetching groceries for mom. Sugar is a highly prized commodity at this time and quite scarce. I rode all over town and nearby towns looking for any store that might sell it. I found every opportunity to ride my bike and I loved the freedom it brought me. I loved being able to pedal away and go far away places. There was always an adventure in the making. I cannot imagine a better childhood.
I rode my bike to school as well. During my senior year in high school I did an intra district transfer and had to ride my bike 40 mins to and from school. I carried my guitar on board because why not right? I rode in fog so thick I couldn't see past five feet in front. I rode in rain so heavy it caused me my thick hamstring muscles I still sport. I rode after track practice, into the late evening hours after long homework sessions. I grocery shopped in my bicycle. I mastered the skill of 10 grocery bags on my handle bars plus a backpack full on my back. There were no limits...
At 22 I still rode a bike. By this time I'm living in a tiny studio apartment with my mom and sister, waking up at 5am, stopping at Seven Eleven for a 22oz vanilla bean coffee on the go. I work an 8hr shift and then zoom to my next job, a short 10 mile bike ride. I work there until 11pm and ride home in the dark. The cops follow me just to be sure I get home safely. I'm a regular on the streets. I once ran over my apron (I'm a store clerk), my retainer was inside and I break it. I never replaced it. My bike was my life.
At 23 I got a desk job and had to retire the bike. I took up running. Are you surprised?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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