Sunday, November 18, 2012

My cooking style

This evening as we were having dinner Dave stops, looks at me and says:  "This is very good! Definitely a recipe you need to add to your cookbook.... If only you could replicate it."  He is so right, I probably won't.

I may have mentioned before that I have my mother's cooking style.  She cooked daily for 8 very hungry children and a very finicky husband.  She often "recycled" one meal into the next, to save time and money.  Her meals were simple but always enough to satiate and satisfy. When I cook I often triple or quadruple a recipe.  My mother used to say that one should always have enough for surprise visitors.  I agree.

I began to help my mother in the kitchen when I was about 7 or 8 years old.  First I would pick through beans, then I would be assigned some chopping duties and by the time I was about 11 I was in charge of cooking some meals all on my own (with her guidance of course).  I quite enjoyed working in the kitchen.  I learned a lot from my mom, except for any recipes.  She had none.  Every meal was made from whatever she had at home plus a few extra "fresh" items (we didn't have a refrigerator).  Some days we would have meat that my dad brought home from work,  but all too often our meals were non-meat concoctions she would throw together in her mind as she went.

Yesterday I began to make a chicken chile verde.  Don't ask me  how but we ended up with yellow curry.  Same ingredients, just something about that chile verde wasn't quite right so I changed it half way through.  It's not a rare occurrence either.  I often start a meal not knowing what I'm making.  I just know what ingredients I'm going to use.

In preparing for our Thanksgiving celebration I am trying my best to create a menu and have a plan but I keep changing it.  If you are my guest and you are reading this do not be alarmed.  I have backups :)    I have a big picture idea of what dishes I want to make.  I just know that if they don't fall together the day of, it won't be my cooking.  Or my moms :)

Happy Thanksgiving preparations.

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