Sunday, September 28, 2014

Marathon training week 13

The training plan I follow has me go full intensity one week and scale back the following to allow for sufficient recovery. Thankfully this was an easy week since we had so much going on, plus birthday celebrations and such. Again, I will juxtapose planned vs. actual for comparison.

Sunday: 4 miles / rest
Monday: 6 miles / 3 miles plus 7 x 800s plus cables
Tuesday: 5 miles / 6 miles
Wednesday: 7 x 800s / 30 minute run plus 30 minute stair master, walking lunges and bar bell work
Thursday: off
Friday: 6 miles / 12 miles close to race pace
Saturday: 12 miles / off
Sunday: 4 miles / 12 miles

Total mileage planned: 38
Actual miles: 44

No yoga this week :(

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Monday, September 22, 2014

Marathon training week 12

Flexibility remains the theme of my training. This week my body showed signs of overtraining (elevated heart rate, dizziness upon rising, fatigue) so I decided to scale back the intensity. By the end of the week I noticed my energy return to normal levels and the dizziness disappear. It's important to be in tune with ones body.

This week scheduled vs. actual

Mon: 10 miles / 7 miles plus 20 mins n cables
Tues: 5 miles / 4 miles easy run plus evening yoga
Wed: 45 minute tempo / 45 min tempo
Thur: off
Fri: 10 mile run / 15 mile run close to race pace
Sat: 20 mile run/ 14 mile run on hilly route plus gentle yoga
Sun: 4 mile run / rest

Total mileage: 45

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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Marathon training week 11

This was an unusual week for me. I stuck to my training plan almost to perfection. I am both relieved this week is done and content with my progress so far. I almost skipped my long run due to a head cold but I loaded up on vitamin c, echinacea and probiotics and pushed through. I'm glad I did.

This weeks stats:

Sunday: 4 mile jog (add in children, a donut run and some dirt trail exploration and its a fun Sunday run)

Monday: 9 mile run plus weights (great workout!)

Tuesday: 3 mile run (easy, drop off run)

Wednesday: 6 x 800s and evening yoga(!)

Thursday: off

Friday: 9 mile modified tempo run

Saturday: 19 miles (*I ran the first 13 under 2 hours. Not shabby for a long run. I can tell my comfortable long run pace is getting faster. Coconut water was good hydration)

Total mileage: 49

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Marathon training week 10

Our family, like many others, is in full back to school transition mode. I thrive on schedules and routines and I'm challenged by unpredictables. But I love spontaneity, go figure. Anyway, the point is that our schedules are slowly falling back into place but there are still a few pending issues: Staggered reading schedule for Isaac, the possibility of getting into a dual immersion program at a different school and all the decisions that come with that, and of course, the inevitable extra curricular activities. Who would have thought that a 5 and 2 year old could have such full lives? I'm trying to roll with the punches but truth be told, I just want the final draft. STAT!

I'm trying to stick closely to my training schedule but I've been flexible to some extent. Here is how this week played out:

Sunday: Rest (I should have run 3 miles here)
Monday: Holiday--extra rest day for me. Yay! (I should have done 9m here)
Tuesday: 6 x hill plus an additional 4 mile run and evening yoga (yay!) --I made up for my missed 9 mile run and added some hill work which was not part of this week's workout.
Wednesday: 6 x 800s plus 30 minutes on the cables (strength training) and walking lunges.
Thursday: off
Friday: 6 mile tempo run plus 4 miles to and from school run.
Saturday: 13 miles, easy run, some walking.

Overall a good week. I got my yoga in and a day of strength training. Next weekend run jumps to 19 miles so I need to gear up for that.

Total mileage: 35 miles (still not counting walking to school)

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